Lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending
Lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending

This wasn’t the first episode to depart from the island-flashback-island format.

lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending

This could be a reference to the Dutch Painter, but it could also be a reference to Hieronymous “Harry” Bosch, the detective in Michael Connelly‘s mystery novels.

lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending

  • So Charlie’s middle name is Hieronymous.
  • Desmond’s microwave beeps like no microwave I’ve ever met.
  • lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending

    In the season 2 finale, the same photo can be seen framed on Penny’s bedside table.

  • Somehow, both Desmond and Penelope end up with a copy of that instant photograph that they have taken in London.
  • And, oh yeah, there’s a polar bear in the painting. Yet another connection between Widmore and the DHARMA people. Widmore’s office hanges a modern-looking painting with the word “Namaste” written in reverse writing. Unlike Jin, however, Desmond is not looking for a job, and the outcome is much different. Both Pak and Widmore have business connections to Alvar Hanso, the reclusive financier behind the DHARMA Initiative. Widmore was reminiscent of Jin’s meeting with Mr.
  • We now know what Desmond did prior to joining the military and going to prison: he was a set designer for the Royal Shakespeare Company.
  • Basically, the flashes appear to be all scenes we’ve seen before.
  • Among the images that, you know, flash before Desmond’s eyes when he turns the key: Desmond looking over Locke’s shoulder at Jack when Jack first enters the hatch Desmond typing the numbers into the computer Desmond yelling at Jack after fleeing the hatch.
  • It’s Laughter in the Dark, Vintage International paperback edition. The Nabokov novel, by the way, is not Lolita (my initial guess).
  • Sawyer’s stash includes both porn magazines and Nabokov.
  • Query: When Eko was killed, Paolo and Nikki (everyone’s least favorite new characters) were with Locke and Sayid, but when Desmond, Charlie and Hurley meet the rest in the jungle, Paolo and Nikki are nowhere to be seen.
  • We didn’t get a lot of answers about the island’s mythology, but we did get an answer to the question, “What happened to Desmond after he turned the key?” Well, sort of.
  • In this week’s official podcast we learn: Paolo and Nikki will play a more important role in a future episode (really-and, if I’m not mistaken by the insinuation, Paolo in particular is not all that he seems) Ben is Alex’s non-biological father and, in the future, not everyone who has sex on the island will be killed.
  • The official website has a few new features, including “backstories,” a features that allows you to watch clips from each of the character’s past, and “ writer’s rotation,” a feature that lets the writers recommend their favorite things (right now, it’s books).
  • And, for what its worth, that he could go all creepy and talk backwards. And we know Walt wasn’t enslaved by time and space. Klugh threatened Walt with if he didn’t cooperate. (The message: “Only fools are enslaved by time and space.”) Current speculation is that this is the room Ms.
  • In case you haven’t seen (or heard) it yet, here’s a link to the creepy backwards messages in the Clockwork Orange Karl sequence from last week’s episode.
  • I’m not sure if it’s true, but having footage erased by airport x-ray scanners certainly can’t have helped.
  • I’ve heard rumors that the LOST production schedule is behind.
  • It is, however, still the best show on television, even if it’s not the most popular. That’s still almost 13 million viewers, but I can no longer make excuses-it’s no longer the ratings powerhouse it once was.
  • Despite the strong storytelling, LOST’s ratings are being reported to be at an all time low.
  • Spoilers from yesterday’s episode and more after the break. I took the night off and spent it with my valentine.

    lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending

    My apologies to those of you who visited yesterday looking for my LOST post. Hopefully, the doubters have been quieted for now. LOST has returned from its season 3 hiatus with two excellent consecutive episodes.

    Lost flashes before your eyes connection to ending